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Burning The Cross

Bloody Vengeance
Awaking from a long lethargy
At an age in which reasoning and doubt didn’t exist
Absorbing and enforcing the principles of my Existence’s nature
Unable to discern and see beyond the curtain of smoke
That mankind has built

Crying of my soul
Blasphemies begin to rise
Slaying the lambs
The revelation is now

Burning the cross
Baptize your soul with fire
Burning the cross
Become on with darkness
Burning the cross
Blessed by Lamia’s blood

Yell towards the bright and dark skies, God is dead
Raise your fist towards the Full Moon, making the sign of the horns
Spit and vomit upon Christ’s holy cross
Forge honor and pride, principles that will rule in our life forever
We are the Ancient Warriors
Creatures covered with steel, merciless destructors
We are the truth, hate, rage, justice and death!