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Moose (GBR)

Moose (GBR)
Moose (GBR)
Alternative  /  Pop  /  Rock
Discography  (total 11 Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's )
Albums | Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's | Bootlegs
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's
Baby It's Over (Single) - Moose (GBR) 1999 Baby It's Over (Single) 4 00:16:14 320 37.69 Mb 0.71€
Honey Bee (Bonus 7 1994 Honey Bee (Bonus 7" Single) 2 00:08:21 320 19.21 Mb 0.36€
Bang Bang (Single) - Moose (GBR) 1994 Bang Bang (Single) 4 00:12:31
Liquid Make Up (Single) - Moose (GBR) 1993 Liquid Make Up (Single) 3 00:12:57 320 29.91 Mb 0.54€
Uptown (Single) - Moose (GBR) 1993 Uptown (Single) 4 00:15:09
... Xyz (Bonus 7 1992 ... Xyz (Bonus 7" Single) 2 00:08:31 VBR-203 12.57 Mb 0.32€
Little Bird (Are You Happy In Your Cage)? (Single) - Moose (GBR) 1992 Little Bird (Are You Happy In Your Cage)? (Single) 4 00:09:49 320 22.71 Mb 0.63€
Cool Breeze (Single) - Moose (GBR) 1991 Cool Breeze (Single) 4 00:11:59 320 27.74 Mb 0.66€
Jack (Single) - Moose (GBR) 1991 Jack (Single) 4 00:14:45 320 34.09 Mb 0.69€
Reprise (Single) - Moose (GBR) 1991 Reprise (Single) 4 00:19:14 320 44.26 Mb 0.74€
Sonny And Sam (Single) - Moose (GBR) 1991 Sonny And Sam (Single) 7 00:32:30 320 74.76 Mb 1.28€
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